Saturday, May 03, 2008

Update on that other blog

It appears that just let anyone who sent them sample blogs become a blogger because now they've decided to use a "team" of us, which is fine because it means less work. But when they said team, I thought they meant three or four. There are 10 of us (thus the conclusion that anyone who has ever visited the site is now a blogger). And it is a crazy group. We had to introduce ourselves via e-mail to one another. At first everyone seemed to be New York-based, which was nice. I thought I could potentially develop some friends from the group. Most of the seemed to be in media or the arts. But the second half was from more varied locations and backgrounds - a sixteen-year-old from Buffalo, a woman that works for a Jewish cultural group in D.C., a gay female "sex worker" from San Fransisco (I don't if that's good ole fashion streetwalker or porn star or other.)

Only one of us (not me) has started blogging though, because the two people who run the blog are in transition and haven't really instructed us what to do. One is moving to Israel for six months. And I think the other one is just moving...I can't really remember what he was doing.

They want to break us up by beats - someone doing celebrity gossip, someone doing books, movies, news items, etc. I don't know if there are enough beats to go around for 10 people, though. I mean, it's not like there's cops and courts or environment or IBM to be covered. Should be interesting how it plays out.

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