Wednesday, February 07, 2007

En Todo El Mundo

Good news! I am apparently the best tutor in the whole world.

At least that's my tutoree told my Spanish teacher yesterday (we share the same teacher, just different levels). And my teacher told me today just before she handed out our first exam. I was already feeling great stress because the chapter was so hard and also she is a much tougher professor than my last, so what I really needed just before the first exam is for the expectations of my performance to be ramped up to "world's greatest tutor" status. My tutoree told the professor that I taught her almost all of the vocabulary for chapter 5 in two hours, to which my professor said she responded, "If she's that good, I should just let her teach the class for me!"

The girl in question took Spanish from seventh to 10th grade and then got to college and signed up for 102 and now needs me to essentially reteach her basic Spanish. I think I have my work cut out for me. So we're meeting again tomorrow. I think we'll try and meet at least twice a week, if I'm to catch her up.

I don't meet with my other student until Friday. She was scheduled for Monday but called in sick and asked if we could reschedule to Friday. I wonder what stories, she'll tell the professor (same professor again) about me.


Anonymous said...

How was your Friday student? And what did you think of your exam?

Bucky said...

My exam was very hard, though I was surprised there was no essay on it. My Friday student is older - she has two children and is studying to be a teacher. She has no problem with vocabulary, but with structure and grammar. We talked about indirect objects and in particular the indirect object pronoun. I need to put together some worksheets for her so we can drill on those and direct object pronouns, which is what they'll study this week. We, in the meantime, will start learning how to make commands.

I think we get our tests back Monday. I'm very nervous.