Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Test anxiety, redux

Look, I know you're starting to think I'm like Chicken Little with this, but I really did suck my Spanish exam all up this time.

There were just too many verb tenses. I did fine on the vocab and I knew I would going in. But the verbs! There was subjunctive, which included making commands in two different ways; the imperfect progressive and contrasting the (regular) imperfect with the preterite. By the time I got to the end of the exam, which was LONG (I took this exam for an hour and a half...our teacher didn't seem to mind that me and two other students were there 15 minutes past the end of class), my brain was fried.

I couldn't remember the imperfect verb ending and I totally blew the last section. I know I blew it because she looked at my test and the test of another woman who is also a very good student and said, "Hmm, perhaps I shouldn't have put imperfect versus preterite on this test. Maybe it was too much."

Of course I don't even know about two other verb sections, it was late at one point I just started circle verbs hoping they were right and then praying I conjugated things right and there was one entire section where I had no idea what the instructions said except for make commands in the usted person, so I just went through making commands.

AND there was this random section with street signs that we didn't even TOUCH on in class. I guessed the best I could on that one too. Makes me wonder what I've been studying for the past three weeks.

I'm praying for a C.

Also, worked sucked ass today too. More on that later. I have to go do a self-review now. I'm way behind on crap I have to finish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we've established that your teacher this term isn't very good. As a teacher, I can say that. And in 21st century America, I've also learned that if you don't learn, it's the teacher's fault. You're thinking 20th century, when the responsibility lay on the student to learn. OK, kidding aside, she's not a good teacher.