I was there because my friends, Sarah and James, asked me to be godmother to their daughter, the most adorable baby ever (well...if you called me out on it, you'd learn that I said the exact same thing about my cousin's daughter Penny and my friend Evy's son, Connor. So my definition of "most adorable baby ever" is very fluid) Amelie. A reminder in case you life in a bizarro cyber world that will not allow you to view any of my previous posts:

The christening went well. It was held at the village church. My friends live in a place called Wanborough in the county of Wiltshire, though I don't think they are actually called counties in England. The village has a little store that is also the post office, a park and a village hall and several inns with pubs. And that's about it. However it's only a few minutes from a bigger town that has a grocery store and a McDonald's and such.
I have to say that I totally feel in love with this little baby. She and I got on quite nicely. I made her laugh and she chewed on my sunglasses. She was already asleep the night I arrived and when she woke up the next day and saw me for the first time, she acted like it was the most normally thing in the world that someone she had never seen before would be standing there in her pjs. She liked me immediately. I was heartbroken to leave her...covered in chocolate doughnut, which is what she had been eating in the car on the way to the airport. The next time I see her, she'll probably be making complete sentences (not just dada, mummum and cat) and walking. Oh, they grow up so fast!
So more photos below:
hurray! you're back! so we've scheduled the secret mysterious kidnapping and transporting of a graduating minor across state lines trip! we'll be in nyc on the 21st of May through the 25th. What are you doing then? miss you....
Working. But I can finagle the weekend off. Let me know your exact travel plans when you get them (times/ariports/etc). Maybe I can pick you guys up and transport you to your hotel. (But probably you should do that in e-mail, not here for the whole world to see. You know how those people from Cobble Hill get.)
Hope you don't mind but I had a pic at your pics from the christening and Amelie's lovely smile while sitting at the table is just stunning. I am a firm believer that babies are way smarter than we give them credit for ! Don't you agree ??? Dana
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