I don't think you really need my impressions of a
Granny Smith apple, but I'm trying all of them. So this list wouldn't be complete without the ole' GS app. This apple has a green skin and a green meat. It is crunchy and tart, which I like. This apple, however, had a particularly thick skin. I don't think that's normal, but it really put me off this particular apple because it was like chewing throw plastic to get to the apple. If I hadn't been at work, I would have peeled it.
This is a very old apple, created in something like 1850 by Maria Ann Smith. She and her husband orchardists in Australia. The apple now grows wild in New Zealand.
That's all I have on Granny Smith. I'll try to pick a more exciting apple for tomorrow.
Lovely. Where are you getting your apple photos from?
The Internet. I just do searches for them and find one I like. The Internet has everything. Even apples.
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