Monday, June 23, 2008

Haunted House

I was talking with one of my downstairs neighbors yesterday evening - it was one of those nice, cool days and the dogs were playing and we were having a cold drink - when out of the blue she tells me years ago, just before she moved in, there was an explosion in my apartment.

It was so big that it blew crap from the apartment out into the woods behind it, damaged all the other apartments in the building. Whoever was living in the apartment at the time was apparently on oxygen AND smoking and fell asleep with the cigarette still lit. The person, quite obviously, died in the apartment.

This is the first place I've lived in where I KNOW one of the previous occupants died. It's definitely not the oldest place I've lived in — my last apartment was on the national register of historic places (and it's the only time in my life I've seen, what I guess was, a ghost). I assume people have died in apartments before, but never so horrendously. Blown up? Who gets blown up in their own apartment?

So now I'm all paranoid my apartment will turn out to be haunted. At least that would explain why my door keeps getting unlocked and windows opened. I always thought it was an apartment complex employee checking on something. But they usually leave notes when they were here.

Anyone else have dead people in their apartments?

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