The giant event brings ex-pats from Mississippi together in Central Park for a giant reunion of sorts that usually attended by the governor of Mississippi and other dignitaries. Live blues music serves as the entertainment - along with the watermelon seed spitting contest. No. I'm serious. And they serve up catfish from Yazoo City. (They require a "donation" of $10 for the food, which makes me laugh. I've notice in New York the idea of a required donation is rampant. My brother suggested it must be a way around the tax laws. I say if it's required then it's a fee or the ticket price - what it most certainly is not, is a donation.)
It was fairly disappointing. Though, I have to admit we were late getting there. It started at noon and was supposed to last till 6 p.m., but when we got there around 2 p.m., they were already out of catfish and people were drifting away. We did enjoy sitting outside in the Mississippi-eque heat of 98 degrees (though it WAS cooler in the shade) and drinking iced tea from McAlister's, though.
Ironically, Saturday was also the date of the LSU alumni associations Crawfish Boil. That event, however, cost $60 - though you did get all you can eat crawfish and Abita beer. Still, it was a little too rich for my blood. Maybe next year I'll be able to save up enough to go.

Yeah! Were you there for the watermelon spitting seed contest?
Oh yes. We were there for that. My brother almost snarfed iced tea through his nose when they announced that. I tried to get him to join in, but he was having no part of it.
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