Roland and I walk here quite often. It's a beautiful, wooded area with a nice view of the Hudson River. Today, quite unexpectedly, we saw a doe and her fawn in the woods behind the house. I'd already put the iPhone away at that point and wasn't quick enough on the draw to snap a photo.
It's always weird to walk up on nature like that. I mean, we rounded the corner and there they were and all four of us just froze and stared at each other. I'm not sure who was more surprised the deer or me. Then the deer took off. Roland wanted very much to take off after them. Luckily he was on a leash. I have every confidence that mama deer would have kicked his playful little butt, otherwise.
So back to the house. Mount Guilian was originally built in 1730 by the Verplanck family of New York and was used a summer retreat and plantation. In late 1782 through the summer of 1783, Mount Gulian was the Continental Army headquarters of patriot General Fredrich Von Steuben. The house was expanded in the 1800s, burned down in 1931, then restored in 1976. Now they put on things like children's teas and host period games. Plus I think people rent it out for special occasions.
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