So we sort of used furniture to cordon off a portion of a living room as her "roomlet" as I call it. The other half is more of a traditional living room. See photos below:

We're in the market for a Japanese screen to act as a "door" to the roomlet. The hardest part is trying to find a place for all the stupid crap I've acquired over the years. Why do I have all this stuff? I've done a pretty phenomenal job, but there's still a small pile and I'm just out of space. That's it. I do not live in a TARDIS. I need to learn to throw things away. Rats are embarrassed by me. Seriously.
Dr. Who reference. Small police call box on the outside, seemingly endless time machine and living space on the inside. I'm a dork.
Roland sounds hot.
He is. And he has his own blog now:
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