Monday, February 09, 2009

Hello February

I have no excuse for my total lack of blogging. I mean, I do have excuses — work, too much time on Facebook, nothing to write about, no one reading this anyway, blah, blah, blah — but in the end I really have NO EXCUSE.

It's probably because this blog has no direction; it has no theme. Since I moved to New York, it has slightly more of a theme, in that I try to write about local things that may interest all of you back home (back at all my various homes), but I don't really do enough for this to provide a steady stream of information like a blog needs. But as the snow outside has thawed and we have at least a few warm days on the horizon, I hope that this will change someone and I'll get out more and I'll have more photos/stories to share. In the meantime, here's a cute guy for ya:

More soon.

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