Monday, September 27, 2004

Seriously In Need Of A Topic

I spent my weekend taking a motorcycle safety class, so sadly, for all of you reading to see what my newest complaint is, I have nothing for you. I am too tired to complain what with all the waking up early and learning to switch gears and trying not to fall over while making tight figure eights. (Okay, so I never successfully made the tight figure eights, but I didn't fall down. I still got my license endorsement. I just won't be making U-turns in the middle of streets any time soon. Well, I won't be doing anything motorcycle-related anytime soon because one needs a motorcycle to do these motorcycle-related things. Hopefully one will be forthcoming. This parenthesis has been open for too long, hasn't it?) Enough about motorcycles though, there are sure to be many stories on this topic in the near future and I don't want to wear out its welcome at the onset. I also saw The Forgotten this weekend. I had no idea it was about aliens when I went to see it. Perhaps I should pick up the habit of reading about movies before I go see them instead of just going by the previews. Not that we all don't like a good alien film now and again. And finally in my entry about things that have nothing to do with each other, anyone know how to get a dog to quit licking its butt in public?


Linus said...

I don't think you were supposed to know it's about aliens. I didn't. And you've ruined it for me.

Dogs lick their butts. It's their thing. No avoiding it.

Anonymous said...

Dogs lick their butts because there is doodie on them. As a dog owner, you should not think it is beneath you to wipe your pet's behind after he does his business. A clean anus equals a happy canis.

Bucky said...

Those are indeed words of wisdom, Anonymous and Deadman. But as a cat owner who has become a dog caretaker time and again due to the people I live with, I do feel wiping a dog's butt is beneath me. You never have to wipe a cat's butt and generally they keep their licking private.