Thursday, December 09, 2004

Ba, Blogbug!

For the last few days I have dutifully been ignoring my blog in the hopes it would go away. It would not. It's still here reminding me of how woefully underexciting my life is. Tis the slow season for blogging, I guess, as none of the blogs I visit have been updated in a while. People are too busy doing their holiday shopping and stuffing themselves on pumpkin spice bread and eggnog lattes to write down their adventures. We probably won't get an update until Christmas Day when, driven to madness by their families, the bloggers lock themselves in bedrooms en masse and begin recounting the adventures of the last six weeks. Also, probably our younger bloggers are busy finishing papers and taking tests and all that school business that goes on around this time.

Recently saw a very amusing local "band" called Automusik. We still have nasty, uncooked, sausage at my home that was handed out at the end of the show. I think the boyfriend is waiting for an appropriate dare before frying them up and eating them. He has very questionable food habits.

The holiday party season is upon us, as you well know, and I've been busy dodging the emailed invites from people whose parties I do not want to attend and hoping for invites to the parties I do want to attend. It's a torturous season for me, what with having to fast and being around massive piles of food at the same time. This country is not set up to cater to my dietary needs, you freakish meat eaters! Parties should begin on the holiday and continue for the days following, instead of beginning weeks before the holiday and then having the holiday be a massive emotional let-down after all the weeks of partying. Of course this would do nothing to rid us of the invites to parties we don't want to attend. I'll have to devote myself to solving that problem over the next few weeks.

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