Friday, December 03, 2004

Meatless Woes

Well it's been pretty quiet around these parts lately. There was an exciting altercation between W* the cat and AB* the dog, but that was short lived and ultimately not as exciting to retell as it was to watch.

It's so sad I can't think of anything going on so I guess I'll just complain about food. There is a serious lack of good vegan options in this town and even the health food stores don't carry milkless chocolate chips. I would also complain that there is a serious lack of vegan recipes/cookbooks and that I have grown extremely weary of rice. I can't believe people eat like this every day. Meat I can live without but cheese and ice cream...soysicle is just not the same.

That said, there are some great no-animals-killed-in-the-making-of-these-desert recipes. I, myself, stick to the cookies and banana bread in my two vegan cookbooks, How It All Vegan and its follow up In The Garden of Vegan. I find the brownies and cakes too dense and they suck all the liquid out of your mouth. But perhaps that's just my cooking skills at play.

But seriously rice is nice but we gotta find something else to fill out our vegan meals. Also, before I go, I have to make my annual comment on the changeling known as the soy bean. It is the most amazing bean ever. How you can create so much from something that grows in the Mississippi Delta is beyond me! If I could a prize to most underrated grown item, it would be the soy bean.

*Names have been initialized to protect the innocent.

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