Sunday, May 06, 2007

Downstairs neighbor woes

I'm really getting annoyed at my creepy downstairs neighbor.

Just because you live in the same building does not give you the right to impose your company on me and it certainly doesn't give you the right to keep trying to invite me over for dinner and/or a movie. I've been fairly successful at hiding from him, despite the fact that Roland LOVES his dog and whines whenever he sees the dog outside. But today, Roland and I had been outside and were on our way in and we caught him coming out.

So, he says to me, "What are you doing tonight?"

Normally I have a good excuse, but today I finally ran out. And so I said, "Uh, nothing. I don't think I'm doing anything."

So he says back, "I'm going fishing now, but I'll knock on your door later and see if you want to do anything." And then he left.

So now I have to find a reason NOT to be here later, which is not easy on a Sunday night. I shouldn't have to hide or leave my apartment. A person's house/apartment should be the one place at which people do NOT feel free to make moves on you.


Bucky said...

UPDATE: As of yet, no visits from icky neighbor. Maybe he reads this blog and finally got the hint? (I would never be so lucky.)

Linus said...


Bucky said...

Uhg. Don't even. You have no idea how weird and unattractive he is. Plus. He's a Yankees fan.