Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bucky in the Burbs

So remember all those weeks ago when I wrote about the column I had to submit some sample pieces for and everyone gushed about what a great "voice" I had and how much they loved my columns, etc., etc. And then nothing.

Well that was until now. Yesterday I had an e-mail from the page's editor and she said she had gotten all the levels of approval she needed and everyone was on board with having me writing the column, except my immediate supervisor who would really rather just have me do more employee reviews, I think. (I also, apparently, write amazing employee reviews and so of course the reward for good work is to load me up with more work. So I'll probably have even more of those to do, which is just ridiculous. I feel like such a fraud writing those reviews. I have no idea what I'm doing. And yet, that is exactly what they want, somehow.) But clearly, I have digressed.

So today I had my photo taken for the column. I didn't get much sleep last night due to a totally unrelated reason, but as I was dragging my tired self into the office today I had vision of that Sex and The City where Carrie gets asked to be the covergirl for New York Magazine's 40 and Fabulous or whatever the hell the issue was called, but it wound up being Whatever and Fabulous? and this crappy picture of her without making, dark circles under eyes with a coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other. THAT's what I envision my photo will turn out to be. Though, luckily I convinced the one photographer I get along with really well to take my photo. So I think he'll do right by me.

Anyway, my first column runs October 6. I'll be sending you all the links. I have to keep my page views up. Now all I have to do is decide which column should be my first and tweak it. Probably most of what you read in the future columns you'll first read a version of here, but there's a chance I might throw in some original material too. After all, I want to keep you, loyal readers, on the edge of your keyboard with excitement and anticipation.


Cheri said...

The Poughkeepsie Journal isn't going to know what hit it!
Congratulations, and I can't wait to read your columns! Don't worry about the picture, if ours from Montréal are any indication, you're naturally photogenic....

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah yeah!