Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Tale of Two Stalkers

It’s been a great week for my stalkers. Last night the original stalker/downstairs neighbor got wasted and sat under my bedroom window serenading me with his slurred dialogue with his dog who was outside and some guy named Frank who was on the phone and, apparently, is getting married. I also got a little verbal abuse when it became obvious he was parked there for the night and there was no getting around him when I needed to take my dog out.

Meanwhile, stalker no. 2/workman stalker stopped me yesterday as I was walking the dog and relayed to me his weekend adventures which involved “getting ripped” at a bar (his friends were buying him “all kinds of shots” and he went out back of the club and “smoked a little herb”). At the bar, he saw some 12 year old guitar phenomenon who was “wailing on some Hendrix, Zeplin” etc. And he illustrated by playing a little air guitar for me.

Then he asked about my weekend. I responded with the standard, “I didn’t do much.” I swear, it was like watching a train wreck…or a bad sitcom, in which they mock bad 80s sitcoms.

1 comment:

Linus said...

It comforts me to know that neither of your stalkers appears remotely threatening.