Sunday, March 09, 2008

No parade, but I am wearing green today

Well, my resolve to hit up every St. Patrick's Day parade possible didn't get me very far. I did not, as promised, go to the Staten Island parade today. There were a number of reasons this happened. 1) Boyfriend, not on the island this weekend. He's working and his job has him staying at a hotel near JFK. 2) High winds. Lots of water. 3) I was at work last night...well, technically this morning, until 12:15 a.m. Then we had to Spring Ahead, so I didn't wind up going to bed until 3 a.m. (Daylight Savings Time) and I got up at 11 a.m. Thus making it impossible to get to Staten Island for a noon parade.

Oh well, I suspect the other parades I have planned won't present me so much a problem. And I've already begun recruiting people to join me for Greek Independence Day.

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