So I know I'm telling you all about my trip to Spain in a very random order, not at all approaching the way I actually experienced and also now more than a month after my return. I THOUGHT I would be telling you all about my new iPhone, which was supposed to be a birthday gift, which is now also almost a month overdue. But alas no. I got stood up again. And so I revert back to Spain. This time Valencia.
We didn't really spend that much time in the home of paella, but what time we did spend there was definitely filled with the rice-y goodness. Much more of it than we should really and truly have eaten. But what can you do. It's like an entire country of my mom shoving food down our mouths. I would show you some pictures of the food, but somehow I decided not to take any pictures while I was there (the first time).
I also rate the beaches of Valencia higher than those of Barcelona and the water was still warm and swimable in late August.
Most importantly, and something you probably did not know (and this I did take pictures of), Valencia is the home of:

That's right. The Holy Grail. People are all the time looking for it and there it is in the land of good beaches and good paella. Here's a closer, though fuzzier look (my camera doesn't have a great zoom on it, it was dark and you couldn't get too close to it):

Since you can't really see it (even in person): The Cup is made of agate stone - a popular material for drink vessels in those times. It is a homogenous piece cut out entirely from a lare chunk of agate, 9 cm in diameter. Naturally, decorations of gold and pearls were added to the supporting structure over the centuries. (
So, hold on. Did your new iPhone stand you up?
That's right. Evil iPhone!
No. Actually. It's the boyfriend who said he was buying it for my birthday. Though, I should have realized it never would have come to fruition and gone and bought the #*@& thing myself. At one point I suggested, "why don't I go buy myself an iPhone and you go buy yourself whatever it is you want and we'll pretend we each bought it for the other person" (his birthday is 13 days after mine). He just laughed at me. But now, it's not so funny.
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