My poor mother, who is on the verge of giving up on my ever getting married, has decided to drive me crazy by taking over one of my oldest friend's weddings...or at least my participation in it. First there was the mother of the bride, now I give you mother of the koumbara.
My job in this wedding, is essentially: to buy a bunch of accoutrement needed for the service, make sure the crowns don't fall of during the wedding, make sure the bride doesn't trip on her dress during the "first steps as man and wife" and facilitate the exchanging of rings, which in a Greek wedding is (needlessly, if you ask me) complicated.
Battle One between my mother and I began over the crowns, which she insisted must be all white and which I said come in as many different choices now as wedding dresses and she needed to stop being old fashioned. After conferring with the bride, I picked one that I thought was pretty and matched the bride's dress, which isn't white.
Battle Two now rages for the candles. I bought the small beeswax candles, because I thought there was no point in wasting money and wax on the large candles, since all the bride is going to do is trash the candles after the wedding or stick them in a drawer never to be seen or heard from again.
My mother, however, has polled the ladies of the church and come back with the demand that I go by the large candles because "it looks better." Or something like that. I have yet to decide what to do on the candle situation.
Coinciding with Battle Two was Battle Three over the gift I was going to buy the bride and groom. I hadn't actually decided since I haven't been to the store yet (this wedding is in May), but it turns out my mother has already gone and bought a gift from me and had it sent to the bride - a china place setting. A very unlike-me gift, which the bride will immediately know came from my mother, who also bought the exact same gift on behalf of herself and my father.
Sunday night, on the phone, after the latest candle fight, I asked if she wanted to be the koumbara, instead. Now she is acting like her feelings are hurt.
All of this has reinforced my decision that should I ever get married, it will be in Vegas.