Monday, May 21, 2007

Not Much To Blog About Today

Yesterday I did a lot of sleeping and some reading. Friday night I watched Pan's Labyrinth.. It was very good, but I didn't expect the gore. I think it was there to contrast the harshness of the main character's real world with that of the imaginary world of fawns and fairies. But my god! There was a scene were the Captain smashes a peasant's face in with a bottle. I was shocked. I guess it was because I wasn't expecting it.

The Hat Parade, which I mentioned in passing or in e-mails to some of you, got rained out Saturday. And anyway, I had to go into work at 8:30 a.m. because a reporter — one that we have countless problems with — called in sick. She said she was vomiting. She was supposed to cover a college graduation that morning. I managed to convince the evening reporter to work 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and then I went in and did the cop calls and updated the Web site. And now she's called in sick again today with Strep throat, which an editor above me has also called in sick with and my immediate supervisor has also called in sick today. So I got a call from the managing editor asking me to come in and work. I didn't really have anything planned for today, but still. Who wants to work on their day off?


Linus said...

I guess I should've warned you about the face smashing. I would go beyond saying that it is there for contrast. I think living in this world colors her imagination. She may not have seen the man's face obliterated, but her worldview is affected by existing in an environment where that happens.

Anonymous said...

No one. No one wants to work on their day off. Do you get comp time for this, I hope?

Bucky said...

I'd be interested to see what the reaction to that film is in Spain. Franco is still a very real and divisive subject to people living there. I wonder how they feel about a Mexican director making a social commentary on their country, especially as Spaniards feel themselves above Mexicans. Was the writer Spanish? It seems Mexico has enough problems of its own that there wouldn't be a need to set it in fascist Spain?

As to your question about work, Evy, allegedly I'll get some time off, though with everyone quiting and no one being hired, I don't know when I would be able to take it. We'll see. Maybe I can save up all this comp time and then come see you when you get back from Japan.

Linus said...

I bought the special edition DVD. Will let you know when I get a chance to watch the features.

Bucky said...

I was going to watch the special features on the DVD I had before I sent it back, but I didn't. I suppose I should have. Let me know if there is anything illuminating on the disc.