Monday, January 14, 2008

Other random updates

I got these pretty roses the other night, for no real reason except the boy who gave them to me seems to like me a lot. I thought the were pretty, thus their posting. Also, my cat tried to eat the baby's breath...she's been obsessed with it since she was a wee, little kitten. One of my ex's used to buy her her own baby's breath whenever he bought me flowers. This is obviously a bad thing to do, since she just pukes it back up. It was one think when I had hard wood floors and could just wipe it up. But now I have carpet and have to bust out the Bissell SpotBot to clean it up.

Part 2: I will not be taking a Spanish class this semester. The community college I go to isn't offering any upper level classes this semester. The one I originally signed up for was canceled due to lack of enrollment. Apparently they will offer 301 in the fall. I just hope I can keep my Spanish up between now and then. Also, I didn't really have the money to take classes at a four-year SUNY school. I have to apply, get accepted and then the tuition is much higher. So I'm just waiting the semester and summer sessions out. Plus, I may not even be here in May. My boss told me the other day that he won't be here through the end of the year. He's looking for jobs outside of journalism. When he leaves, I hope to be gone. If not I'm going to have to do his job AND mine and that means working six days a week and many, many more hours than I'm putting in now...most likely without his pay.

I've eaten some more apples, read some additional books and watched a lot of movies. So I have several other updates I need to get to. Doubt I'll get them all up tonight, though.

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