I'm planning on seeing again with my roommate, who could use a little pick-me-up after she had to call the cops on her ex-boyfriend yesterday. He has been harassing her at work (she blocked him number from her cell and changed her e-mail account). She told him she never wanted to see him again. (Long story short: He cheated on her. She took him. He cheated on her with the same girl. She moved out. She took him back. He cheated on her with the same girl. He begged for yet another chance. While she was considering it, he had the other girl move in with him. She said she never wanted to see him again. Now he says he's changed and can't live without her AND — my favorite part — wants to help HER.) So he showed up at the train station and waited for her to get off. Then started begging her to take him back. When she reiterated how she didn't want to see him again. He started screaming, so she got in her car and drove home. He promptly followed her home. I had previously seen a police officer driving around our complex, so I went to look for him. But it turns out she had called the police and I bumped into a second police officer who was looking for our apartment.
He's been warned not to contact her again or they'll arrest him and he's too much of a wimp to try anything other than a few more e-mails. I'm not worried, though she is. She's all convinced he's going to come over with a shot gun that his dad owns. That, and every time we go somewhere she's looking for his red pickup truck...even when it's some places he's never ever been before and also not any place he would necessarily think to look for us (random deli stop). But I think she secretly likes the drama (which is why she kept making up excuses to get back into contact with him even after she declared she never wanted to hear from him again) and the attention is gets her. That might be a horrible thing to say, and she may not even realize that that's what she's doing, but she is the baby of her family. You know how youngest children are.
Anyway, that's all to say, see "The Proposal." It's very funny.
I take it, she doesn't read your blog ..
No one up here does. It's for far away friends. :-)
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