Thursday, August 13, 2009


Just received the following e-mail:

RE: Public Affairs Specialist, GS-1035-12/13, RTP-DE-2009-0199

Your application was tentatively qualified for the above referenced position; however your rating wasn't high enough to be evaluated for referral to the manager. Under the Delegated Examining process, three names may be referred for each grade level advertised.

Thank you for your interest in employment opportunities with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and encourage you to apply for other vacancies.

We wish you success in your employment efforts.

Who stands a chance in a system where only three names are evaluated by the manager? The federal government hiring system sucks. What does a computer, or even an HR specialist know about the skills a journalist brings to the position of public affairs? Nothing. This isn't like hiring a plumber. The managers should really be evaluating the candidates themselves.

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