Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Unemployment Update: Still unemployed

Weeks out of work: 4
Number of resumes sent out in that time: 26
Number of responses: 0

So, it pretty much remains crickets out there when it comes to the old job search. I've not received one call or one e-mail, requesting more information, asking me to come in for an interview or even rejecting me. I actually WISH I could get a rejection notice because that would mean someone out there in the big ol' world is reading all these cover letters I'm writing or taking a glance at my resume.

The only think I AM getting are annoying e-mails from "human resource specialist" at a job search company saying, "After reviewing your resume online, we have found a receptionist position you may be interested in." Stupid Career Builder. You apply for a job through them and the whole world can see your resume, whether you want them to or not. That's why when I was employed, I could never apply for jobs through Career Builder — our executive editor would troll through the site looking for staffers who had applied for jobs and then making their lives living hell and/or lining them up for the next layoffs.

Speaking of Career Builder, apparently they seem to think the market is getting better. According to one of its surveys, almost half of workers laid off from full-time jobs in the last 12 months have found full-time work in the last three months. Wish I were amongst them.

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