Wednesday, September 29, 2004

There's a Reason Those DMV Jokes Are Still Funny

So this morning, before work, I took a little trip over to one of our neighborhood (I use that term loosely as I had time to charge my cell phone during the trip there) Department of Motor Vehicles license testing centers. I have a license already and it is still current. But as some of you may know I recently passed my motorcycle class, which exempts me from having to take the written and skills tests at the DMV to get my two-wheeled operator endorsement. I was warned to bring my birth certificate. So I did. The same birth certificate I've had in my possession my whole life. The one I used to get into two colleges, to get my original driver's license, to get jobs and any time I've needed to prove that I was actually born. But today, today at the DMV it wasn't good enough because it wasn't "certified by the state."

"But I wasn't born in Tennessee. I was born in Mississippi," I responded.

"You have to go to the Web site and order a copy of your birth certificate. But the only thing is you have to pay with a credit card," the lovely DMV worker replied.

"But I wasn't born in Tennessee," I repeated.

"It doesn't matter. If you are a new resident you can go and order a birth certificate and they'll send it to you."

"But I'm not a new resident. I've lived here for three, almost four years."

"If you weren't born here, then you are a NEW resident," the woman said, explaining the great wisdom of this state.

So I'm dubious of the state's ability to procure my birth certificate from another state as they can't even procure an agreement on who owns Stateline Road. But I go to the Web site after getting to work and low and behold you can only order birth certificates if you were BORN IN TENNESSEE.

I guess tomorrow I'll try a different testing station. Maybe I'll be able to fool them into accepting my Mississippi issued birth certificate.

On second thought it's probably easier just to mock up a birth certificate from Tennessee.


Anonymous said...

I got so flustered at my state's DMV this summer that I dropped an F*bomb on the clerk. Being an ultra-conservative southern state, this did not go over very well. After a few trips between the DMV, the federal social security office and my house to obtain documents, I finally convinced them that I was, indeed, myself. Only now I've received word that my registration doesn't count because they don't have a copy of my title. I'm beginning to think they really don't want outsiders moving in.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's the Web address to get a Tennessee birth certificat? I need one of those.

Bucky said...

For those of you needing Tennessee birth certificates (and don't we all want one), you can order them from the state government Web site, Here is the direct link: