Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Creatively Challenged

Here we go again. I tried to post yesterday but my post was lost and the "Page Unavailable" warning that makes your bones crawl out of your body popped up.

So I was saying yesterday that work really interferes with one's ability to post. The most prolific and best bloggers must people without day jobs or students or the IT department at my company, all of whom are gathered in some dark, undisclosed location in this building and only come out when new computers come rolling in. They are probably master bloggers and actually control all the world's blogs. They probably are even writing this blog and I just THINK that I'm writing it. They are clever, our IT department. Anyway, all this is to say that work has sucked up all my time and all my creativity.

This leads me to topic number two in what will henceforth be referred to as The Missing Post - my creativity class. Yes, I am taking a creativity class, which is supposed to unblocked our creativity, through our in-house "university." It's a twelve-week course and sadly we are only in Week One. Good news is this should mean I have plenty fodder for future posts (even if they aren't particularly creative ones).

Week One: I can report that I do not feel any more creative than the week before I started the course. I dutifully write my morning pages everyday before getting dressed. I have done all the exercises and have even done my daily affirmations (yes, that's right, daily affirmations...like I'm Stuart Smalley) and so far I have not magically transformed into a creative genius. Of course, the book would say this is my Censor at work. So I guess I should change the name of this blog to Censor's World and let the Censor become my alter ego. Then my real ego will feel free to be creative without worrying that I might be gay or cannot spell, which apparently are two reasons - according to the book - that people block their creativity. I personally think my creativity has been strangled to death by daily deadlines and the five W's and H. But I haven't written a book on that philosophy, so I guess my opinion doesn't count.

To celebrate my soon to be found, newfound creativity I think we, my little Internet community, should start our own annoying list that can be E-mailed around by newbies to the Internet. (You know, those folks who still believe forwarding a 32MB file that lists every blond joke ever written will be funny to the whole of their address book.) We will call the list something unoriginal like 101 Ways to Find Your Creativity.

Who wants to start? It can't be me because I have no creativity.


Linus said...

You taking a creativity class is like Helen Keller taking a deaf-mute class.

Bucky said...

For that comment I will put you down as one of my "champions" instead of one of my "monsters." And I will post your compliment near where I write my morning pages, as this is what the book that now commands my life says I should do.