Friday, October 22, 2004

Ride, Sally Ride

So instead of posting my own account of last night, I will just copy and paste the Email I received this morning, wrapping up our evening of fun at children's advocacy organization's fundraiser. The names have been deleted to protect the innocent:

Where to begin.... First and foremost many thanks to K., who once again did his rainbow feather boa proud....We're all pulling for you to make it two in row in the CA....To H., who quite frankly did everything proud,....I don't think the wait staff or the chairs at our table will ever be the S., shake-it, baby, shake-it....clearly the most sought after dance partner at the party...who were all those women you were slow dancing with?.....To A. and G., who did the Bar (profession and otherwise) proud and clearly showed they are "too much fun to be lawyers"....To Bucky, who coyly wore her sun glasses to avoid detection by her boss, I must honestly say you not only had the best moves on stage, but you can really belt "Ride, Sally Ride"...I think the Jimmy Johnson Orchestra may have found a new backup singer....To L., not only are you a foxy grandma, you are a super foxy grandma....too bad you had to leave before the chair would have been our spotlight dancer....To H.M., so many thoughts, so little time...clearly the best dancer at the whole function...smooth, soulful and stylishly dressed...clearly you were the Mac Daddy of the table this year!

And finally, to B. (aka Bubblegum/Brittney Spears), you not only fulfilled your duties as A.H.'s substitute, I actually believe you are a better A.H. than danced on stage, danced on chairs, served food with rhythmic bounce and cheer...I don't know, we may have to let the folks vote next year on which of you returns.


For your information I did not want to sing "Ride, Sally Ride" but I was pulled on stage by Bubblegum who had no problem singing in front of all those people. I kept trying to turn my head away from the man with the microphone and he kept sticking it in my face. Luckily it was late enough in the evening that I believe everyone was trashed by that time. I'm also hoping there was no one there that I knew (who wasn't sitting at my table). Or at least they didn't recognize me with my feather boa and sunglasses.

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