Thursday, October 21, 2004

It's Thursday, right?

Well I came in to write about the glorious 10-3 victory by the Sox last night, but my excitement has already been deflated by the men who work in my department and their insightful analysis of the games. They should all go get jobs at ESPN or better yet as baseball coaches. They know so much more than the current ones, at least to hear them tell it. What are they still doing here? They should be coaching, not writing or editing. They could be making the big bucks and I wouldn't have to listen to them any more. Already their chatter has put me in an annoyed state of mind. It will be hard to accomplish anything today.

So now I need to think of something else to write about. I saw The Killers last night. I like them but didn't realize they were so popular with the 12-year-olds. Good thing their concert got out by 11 a.m. or all those kiddies would be out past curfew and then all hell would break loose. Then again with only one album, how late could they have played? The band sounded pretty good live but it's obvious that "Somebody Told Me" will be their only hit - and I use that term loosely to mean, played on the radio several times during daylight hours. I wouldn't mind being proved wrong as I like this resurgence of New Wave 1980s music, but I have no hope that it will last.


Linus said...

I love all-ages shows. The 12 year-olds are short and the shows usually let out by 11 so you can get to bed.

I'm such an old man.

Bucky said...

You like all ages shows because you can ogle the 17-year-olds. Don't lie.