Monday, April 18, 2005

Old news is not good news

My topic today for the newspaper editors of America is old news (which by definition is not news at all).

You see, Mr. and Mrs. Joe(leen) Editor, we under 30s have this crazy thing called Internet. And on the Internet we have access to all sorts of things, among which are these two web sites Yahoo! News and Google News. On these Web sites they do this wacky thing wherein they post stories from today's AP, AFP, Reuters, Bloomberg, et al. That's right, the very SAME wire services YOU are getting stories from for TOMORROW's paper. So you see, these stories you are putting on the front page on Iraq, world events, national politics, we have already read. Yesterday.

Not to mention there is cable TV, which has nothing better to fill the airwaves with than hours of uninterrupted Michael Jackson trial coverage, disasters, hostage-taking, the new Harry Potter book. So I have no need for your wire stories by the time they make it in the paper.

Now I know there are older readers that you want to keep, many of whom do not have Internet since they are retired and can't spend their day not working and instead reading news Web sites at their desk while waiting for their porn to load. But you see, THOSE people also have nothing better to do than read the ENTIRE paper. So you can safely put the war stories, etc. INSIDE the paper where we under 30s never look and where the way over 30s are sure to read.

And don't go trying to use the Washington Post or New York Times services because I already read those papers on the Internet as well. The only exception to this rule, the only one, is if you ARE the Washington Post and New York Times and you have your own Iraq and Michael Jackson reporters who are producing something original and new. However if they are just writing their own version of the same stuff that's on the wire, then forget about it. Put that crap inside somewhere and give us this:

"Indians 'Marry' Sacred Trees to Ward Off Evil Eye"
Reuters - Residents in the Indian city of Calcutta have "married" two colorfully decorated trees in an elaborate ceremony to ward off an evil spell.
Marrying trees.

Now that is news.

It's not all the news. I'm not suggesting we just fill a paper with news of the weird. But a little weirdness on the front page never hurt anyone and indeed will probably help make shiny new raises for your staff as circulation climbs to new heights. But we also need in-depth stories that showcase good reporting, draw in the reader and maybe bring light to a problem.

Sadly, since it's Monday I have no examples for you. However, maybe later in the week I'll come across something compelling and we can discuss that. In the meantime, if you all know of any good stories we should read (not just the under 30s amongst us, but all ages) please post it here.


Linus said...

We had a Virgin Mary underpass stain and it only made Metro front. I could've MISSED IT!

The front page had a story about the eradication of beetles that used to be a problem, but since they were exterminated aren't a problem anymore.


Bucky said...

How beautifully and simply you have illustrated my point that the people picking where stories go are completely out of touch with any semblance of reality.