Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Trapped in my apartment

I was about to take Roland out for a walk (I worked the shift of a normal person today) and then I heard my creepy neighbor outside on his cell phone. Now I don't want to go out because he'll ask me to dinner. He won't take no for an answer (as I've said before) and so I'd rather just not face him. I'm like hiding on the floor under the window with the lights out typing this. I've got to pay someone to play my boyfriend. It'll be like the sequel to the "Wedding Date" — "Keeping the Neighbor at Bay".

Ugh. It's worse because he's out there chain smoking, like right by my window, which is open and so the smoke is coming in and I can't close it. Damn. This is a nightmare. Seriously. This really SHOULD be cause to break a lease.


Bucky said...

UPDATE: I successfully managed to walk out, headphones on and take Roland for a walk. He was in a fight on the phone with his ex-wife and just said, "Hey. What are you doing?" And I said, "Taking the dog for a walk." And then I did. Just in case, I had thought up a pretty good lie for why I couldn't go to dinner — I already ate.

When we got back from our walk, he was no where to be found. Though, shortly after we got inside, I heard him back out front again.

What I need is a back door that isn't a balcony.

Linus said...

I already ate.

That's a good one.

Maybe you could get a rope ladder for your balcony or tie some bed sheets together.

Bucky said...

Sometimes simple lies are the best lies.

Cheri said...

M, that sounds awful! I had a creepy guy do something similar to me once. (Did I ever show you the poster-size portrait said creep painted of me?) I think it may be our polite Southern ways.... We feel like we actually *have* to come up with an excuse....