Maybe it was just a good place to store meat. But more confusing is that I thought there was already established gods before Zeus. Much of Delphi was built over a temple to Gaia (otherwise known as Mother Earth). There's a cave there, which is off limits to visitors due to danger of collapsing, that was believed to be the birthplace of the deity; a crack that goes to the center of the earth and from which she crawled onto the surface and created life.
Maybe these new gods are supposed to pre-date her too, but Zeus is more widely known, so they used him? Either way, they should really explain it better.
I think maybe these are supposed to deities between Zeus and Mother Earth. They especially liked goat, which I can identify with.
Balkans? Does this make the Greeks Albanians or something?
No way, dude! The Balkans are a LOT more than just Albania. More like Transilvanians-Romanians or something cooler. Albanians just wish they were Greeks!
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