I had a very miserable morning/afternoon stuck in New York traffic. I spent hours in bumper to bumper traffic both in Brooklyn and trying to get out. It was like it was Fourth of July weekend or something and everyone was trying to get to their summer homes. By the time we found a place to park and then a place to eat, I was cold, had a caffeine headache and was tired, plus my ears hurt [see cold].
So we wound up at Bocca Lupo, a wine bar that serves panini lunches. It's one of those places where the portions are small, the prices are big and the service is bad. And I was NOT in the mood for such a place. Then all of The Cobble Hill moms started pouring in with their SUV-sized baby strollers. It was everything the stereotype says it is. I am not at all enamored of Cobble Hill. I'd like to go back to Brooklyn Heights, please.
"It was everything the stereotype says it is."
I'm a 34-year old male. Which part of the sterotype applies to me?
"I’d like to go back to Brooklyn Heights, please."
Okay. I'll pay for the cab back. An extra $20 if he hurries up to get you on your way.
"A dog. A cat. A girl. One TV. Nothing good can come of this."
Hmmmm. Read your post a few more times, see if you can figure out why you're still single.
Hmm, apparently anonymous has nothing better to do than go on random blogs and write mean things - anonymously. Yikes. Someone needs a life!
Random? Are you kidding? Google yourself, you're the laughing stock of Brooklyn, being mocked up and down the block for being such a pretentious b***h.
Wow, these people. I just caught up on your blog and the scandal of your having your own opinion about Cobble Hill! How dare you. And those Cobble Hillians all had such nice things to say, it must be a lovely place to live!
Anonymous, please! No one seems to be laughing but me. People both agree and disagree with what I've said and guess what? That's the way it is with every statement that's ever been given in the history of mankind. Welcome to life.
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