There's not really a "more." I just thought it sounded better with three things, instead of two.
It's been months since I updated my reading/viewing, and so I won't be covering everything I read/watched, but I'll do my best to sum up.
The Sea, The Sea by Iris Murdoch - My least favorite book by her (thus far). Skip it unless you are trying to read the entire catelogue of her works.
The City of Falling Angels by John Berendt - This book had the opposite effect on me that his last book
Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil did. I never want to go to Venice, ever. Savannah, however, I would move back to in a heartbeat. The book was fine. I didn't hate it. It just wasn't very unique since it's the exact same formula as
Midnight. You'd be better served re-reading the first book and skipping this one.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 8(comic) - I'm glad the gang is back, even if it's just in comic form. However, I'm not sure I've yet warmed to the legion of Slayers in army-like format. I would like to see something new and all of this feels a little rehashed.
Confessions of a Teen Sleuth by Chelsea Cain - (I may have mentioned this one in a previous post.) Funny. Funny. Funny. Especially for anyone out there that read Nancy Drew as a young lass...or lad — I'm not judging. It's a spoof of the teen detective novels we all loved as a child. The main character is indeed Nancy Drew. Though this is supposed to be the "real" Nancy Drew (actually named Nancy Drew) whose college roommate Carolyn Keen stole her story and wrote the world-famous books about her adventures as a falsely fictitious character. Anyway it picks up where all the books left off and follows her through college, marriage and into old age and is purposely written over-the-top in the language of the original hardback Nancy Drew books. Check it out. You'll have a good laugh.
The Nice and The Good by Iris Murdoch
Love In the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
El Amor en Los Tiempos del Colera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
(That's right. I bought the same book in two languages. Take that Nick Hornby.)
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction
I also sold three books on (Thanks, Melinda, for that introduction.)
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