Did I mention that someone has foolishly asked me to be godmother to her child?
My friend Sarah, who lives in the UK and with whom I started a long-lasting friendship based solely on nail polish and the fact that we were two women in an otherwise all-male film class, just had a baby at the end of April...I think. See I'm already a bad godmother. I can't even remember her birthday. Not content to screw up the child herself, she has asked me along for the ride. Luckily she has two other godparents, who perhaps will lend some normality to her life.
I was fascinated to find out that in English tradition you have three godparents for your child. I'm not totally sure why. You have one of each sex and then a third based on the sex of your child. So little Amelie has a godfather and two godmothers. If she had been born, say Alan, instead, it would be a godmother and two godfathers.
As I am now out of my prime child bearing years without any prospect of acquiring a mate anytime soon, this will probably be the closest I come to children. I wonder what kind of godmother I will make? I wonder what it will be like for her to have a godparent in a different country? I wonder what one wears to a christening....Oh, I have so much to learn.
She is a beautiful baby and what a cute dress! I think you'll be a great godmother. Congratulations!
I know. She looks like a little doll. I can't wait to spoil her. I'm sure she's lacking that from grandmothers. et al :-)
Do you get a trip to England out of this?
Yes. Yes I do. I'm just not sure when yet.
what a cutie! and you're not that old, m. if you wanted kids you could definitely have them. but why not just adopt if the urge took you?
i don't really make the kind of cash that allows me to adopt at will. i definitely NOT of the Jolie-Pitt set...but thanks for the encouragement.
Oh yeah, I didn't think it bore mentioning, but you're definitely still prime for child bearing. But it'll take time away from your novel writing reading and movie viewing ...
I would gladly be a godfather for a trip to England.
I think they have a godfather, but I'll pass along your volunteerism. God save the Queen...and all that.
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