Monday, July 02, 2007

Are you kidding me?!

I have to say, this is EXACTLY what I thought when I read that Scooter Libby had his sentenced commuted.


Linus said...

Yeah, I nearly fell OUT of the El when this story moved. "Y'see I didn't pardon him, heh, heh. Dick give Scooter a 1/4 mill out of your change purse, heh, heh!"

I would lay down my life to kick him in the fucking balls.

Bucky said...

Bush or Scooter?

I guess it doesn't really matter. MF'ers both!!!

Outlander said...

Deadman - we can argue over who gets to kick his balls first when we meet him in hell.

It's now official, no one will ever be punished for any of the corrupt and incompetent chicanery of the last six years.

I was naive to have been so hopeful last November...I will never make that mistake again.