Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Nothing says Fourth of July like...

...a two year old, a second story walk-up and Queens.

I spent the afternoon/evening at a friend's house, which is right across the bay from Manhattan. Every year people pack the park across from her house to see the Macy's fireworks show from across the water. The crowd was thinner this year due to rain, as were the fireworks. All and all we agreed, a let down.

In addition to my friend and her boyfriend, the boyfriend's mother and his two-year-old nephew that lives with his mother were there. The baby was cute, but exhausting. The baby also cared more for puddles than fireworks and went crazy - and I mean crazy - when Sponge Bob Square Pants came on the television. I have never witnessed anything quite like it.

I tried to take some lame-o pics with my camera phone of the fireworks (to match the lame shots from New Years) but they're not even worth trying to post.

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