Thursday, July 05, 2007

(Not So) Quickie Movie Review

Due to some personal drama - and the purchase of several new books, thus even further backlogging my reading - I have fallen behind on my movie watching. I did recently see "Children of Men" however and was blown away by how much I liked it. I think Clive Owen does not get the respect he deserves as an actor. He is incredible in this movie. His character development from bored, alcoholic government worker to martyr for mankind is totally believable.

The plot outline, courtesy of IMDB is as follows: In 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can no longer procreate, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea, where her child's birth may help scientists save the future of humankind.

The film itself covers a lot of ground in the history of this future world the characters inhabit and the history of these characters, but it does so quickly and I can't really come up with any holes in the plot.

The film also features some great performances from the indomitable Michael Caine and Chiwetel Ejiofor - who gave a jaw dropping performance in "Dirty Pretty Things", which I only watched because Audrey Tautou was in it but then he blew her away; though most people probably know him better from "Love, Actually" or "Melinda and Melinda" or, at least with this group, "Serenity". Julianne Moore is also in this and she is fine. I've never been a huge fan. Also newcomer Claire-Hope Ashitey as the pregnant woman Kee is pretty good.

I think I'm going to read this book. That's how much I liked the movie. This means my movie watching will be pushed back even more.

BTW: Cheri, if you haven't seen this film, THIS IS the film for your class. Under special features they even all these philosophers (whom you probably know, though, of course, I've never heard of) talking about the nature of humanity.


Linus said...

Just a great movie, top to bottom. Your review makes me want to watch it again.

Outlander said...

Yea, I agree. I actually bought the DVD, which I hardly ever do. Probably my favorite movie I saw last year...wait, was that last year or this year?

Bucky said...

According to imdb it came out in 2006, but I can't remember when. I thought it was earlier this year. All the years are starting to run together.

I plan to buy the DVD myself, because I liked it so much. And, as I mentioned in my post, I also plan to read the book.